The difference between what we do and what we are capable of doing would suffice to solve most of the world’s problems.

– Mahatma Gandhi

About Us:

“Diversity Impact, Inc. is a Texas-based nonprofit focused on encouraging diverse socially conservative minority communities to unite and express their values in the voting booth and in the culture at large.”

Our Vision:

“Diversity Impact hopes to inspire hundreds of thousands of conservative minorities in Texas to become active participants in the political process and have their values heard by candidates and elected officials.”


“Diversity Impact exists to educate and inform Texas conservatives who are in ethnic and religious minority groups about our political system and how they can become part of it, including how they can support their social and cultural values in the voting booth and in their communities.
Diversity Impact works to highlight and promote conservative, private sector solutions, especially in the fields of Healthcare and in small business enterprises.”

What We Do:

“Diversity Impact partners with business networking groups, community centers, and life coaches to develop educational opportunities for community-based groups/organizations and local government agencies to advance its mission.
We seek to develop curriculum and other materials to support the mission of this organization that can be used throughout the state to educate and inform conservative minorities and inspire them to become involved in the political process.”

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